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  1. Add 062 578 3098 as a contact named DispatchLIVE on your phone.
  2. Send us a WhatsApp message saying “JOIN.”

Each day you will receive a daily summary of the top stories of the day, and occasional news alerts of important stories when they happen. That way you never miss out on important news.

You will also be able to chat directly to us, and send us your views, photos, videos and tip-offs, but you will not receive messages from other members.

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Your information will stay private and will not be given to third parties. We promise not to send you spam or lots of messages and will never add you to group chats.

If you ever want to stop receiving this service, simply send us a message with the word STOP, and we will remove you from our service as soon as possible, but definitely within 48 hours.

It may take a few hours, for us to add you to the service, particularly if we are experiencing high volumes of new members.

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