CHS 1 v Merrifield lost 0-6.


CHS A v Stirling A drew 3-3, CHS B v Stirling B won 5-1.

Cambridge v St Andrews College:


CHS 1st lost 14-35, 2nd lost 8-48, 3rd lost 0-47, 4th lost 7-60, 5th 12-55, U16A lost 5-62, U16B lost 7-48, U16C won 19-12, U15A lost 0-50, U15B lost 0-54, U14A won 34-7, U14B won 48-7, U14C won 52-0.


The following boys have been selected for Border - U16A: Keegan O’ Kennedy, U14B: Jordan Staude, Chase Stewart.

Stirling B1st lost to Selborne B2nd 2-3, Stirling B2nd drew with Hudson 2-2 (Stirling won on games count-out)

Derby v Hudson:


Girls: 1st drew 1-1, G2nd lost 0-1, G3rd drew 1-1, GU16A won 1-0, GU16B lost 0-1, GU14A won 4-1

v Clarendon: U14B lost 0-5, U14A lost 0-2, U16B lost 0-1, U16A won 2-0, 4th lost 0-1, 3rd lost 0-7, 1st drew 2-2

Boys: 1st lost 2-5, B2nd lost 2-4, BU16A won 1-0, BU16B won 4-1, BU14A drew 1-1.

v Selborne: U14A lost 0-3, U16B lost 0-6, U16A lost 0-12, 2nd lost 0-3, 1st lost 0-7


1st won 27-25, 2nd lost 14-16, 3rd lost 7-14, 4th won 11-2, U16A drew 16-16, U16B won 19-12, U15A won 18-3, U15B won 16-6, U14A lost 8-18, U14B lost 8-19, U14C lost 4-30, U14D lost 9-17


1st lost 15-24, 2nd lost 12-33, U16A lost 3-14, U16B lost 14-35, U15A won 33-12, U15B lost 14-39, U14A lost 7-36, U14B lost 7-10.

v Selborne: U14B lost 0-52, U14A lost 7-58, U15B lost 0-65, U15A lost 0-68, U16B lost 0-62, U16A lost 15-19, 2nd lost 7-60, 1st lost 14-100.


Race held at Beaconhurst GU14 - Taryn Hensberg 2nd, GU16 - Athenkosi Mpiti 4th, GU17 - Tara Schwulst 1st, GU19 - Taylor Popp 2nd, BU15 - Nathan Swart 4th, BU16 - Tyron Karshagen 4th.



U15 lost to PJ Olivier 14-17; U13 beat Kings College 26-0; U11 beat Kings College 24-12; U9 lost to Kings College 0-12

U15 beat Cambridge High School 10-18; U11 lost 10-12 to Komga; U9 lost 0-18 to Komga


1st Team lost to Stutterheim 16-20; U16 beat Stutterheim 15-14; U12A lost to Kingsridge 7-13; U12B lost to Kingsridge 1-12. 1st Team beat Grens 21-13; U16 beat Grens 11-5; U12A lost 2-18 to Voorpos; U12B lost 6-2 to Voorpos.


1st Team beat Beaconhurst 2-1; 2nd Team drew 0-0 with Beaconhurst; U14 beat Hudson 6-0.

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