Armed gang rob top singer Vuthela’s father of stock

Singer Butho Vuthela's father was attacked by armed robbers
Singer Butho Vuthela's father was attacked by armed robbers
Image: Sino Majangaza / File

An elderly Eastern Cape man and father of the award-winning gospel singer, Butho Vuthela, believes he is lucky to still be alive after he was allegedly held at gunpoint by 10 assailants at his Mount Fletcher village home last week.

The gunmen then stole 103 Dorper sheep, most of which were pregnant.

The Vuthela family in Upper Ngxaxha village in Mount Fletcher claims to have within a period of 12 months lost almost R500,000 when a total of more than 200 sheep, 80 heavily pregnant were stolen by gunmen who raided their home in three incidents between July 2017 and Thursday last week.

Butho said his 75-year-old father, Thembele Vuthela, was left traumatised after robbed at gunpoint of the sheep, but thankful he was not injured.

Police spokesperson Captain Raphael Motloung confirmed a case of stock-theft have been opened.​


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