Tony Leon is the executive chairman of Resolve Communications, an SA consultancy specialising in crisis communications, reputation management, government relations and advocacy. He is a noted author, columnist and speaker, and a former SA ambassador and political party leader.
TONY LEON | Fasten your seatbelts, SA. It’s going to be a bumpy post-ANC ride
The ANC may have been punished, but it’s still powerful as the rising parties jostle for position in a new political ...
It’s a pity the DA posters have overshadowed the real election issues
Voters should be more alarmed at the state of our debt-ridden municipalities
Political promises are the pits, and the ANC’s usually end up down the toilet
As the local government elections approach, ANC pledges from 15 years ago still haven’t been fulfilled
It’s a sad indictment on the ANC that it couldn’t get a quorum for its own bill
But at least we’ve gained some respite from the proposed Employment Equity Amendment Bill
The JSC is shaking the foundations on which it was built
Politics in a body established to bolster the independence and quality of aspiring justices guards nobody
Was Biden weak or is he doing a Ramaphosa and playing the long game?
The US leader is accused of bungling his country’s Afghan withdrawal, but he may have bigger fish in mind
South Africa should insist the UK changes its ludicrous Covid travel curbs
South Africans are subjected to nonsensical, patronising, glaringly political restrictions that are hurting our economy
Public trust gone: look what happened while Cyril played his ‘long game’
The social contract between state and citizenry has been broken, the long-term consequence of failing to act timeously
Stop trying to hide your failings with euphemisms, weasels
SA is at the bottom of the pile on so many global tables that matter, but when it comes to these, it’s at the top
TONY LEON | With friends like these, the DA certainly doesn’t need enemies
‘Your victories can cost you more than your defeats’ will certainly resonate with the DA and some of its new mayors