WATCH | Bheki Cele warns Cape Town criminals 200 more cops are coming for them

Minister of police Bheki Cele addressed 200 SAPS officers in Cape Town on Wednesday as they prepared to go on operations with other officials over the coming weeks.

“We will be running after criminals here — we will knock, but if they don't open we will make sure the doors of their house will wake them up. I don't mind calling blood for criminals. I'm not talking about Fees Must Fall, I'm talking about criminals who make life unbearable for the citizens of this country,” said Cele in Cape Town.

“If there is a criminal that hears us, the best way to survive is not to be in Western Cape this weekend.”

The officers and 50 police vehicles have been redeployed from across the country and are meant to be force multipliers within the Western Cape policing system. Targeted raids and visible policing will be hitting crime-ridden areas across Cape Town such as Khayelitsha, Kraaifontein, Delft and Nyanga.

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