LETTERS | Tribute to ANC stalwart Oliver Lungile Nomeva


Earlier this month we bade farewell to a friend and man who sacrificed immensely for the freedom of this country.

Oliver Lungile Nomeva was born in Komani on October 25 1960 to Yekani and Sintombi Nomeva.

He attended Mqoboli Lower Primary, Nonesi Higher Primary School,  Nkwanca Secondary School and later matriculated at Mhlotshana High School in 1982.

He began his career as a part-time teacher in 1983, while also recruiting workers for unions.

Lungile was actively involved in student activism in the late 1970s, particularly in protesting against the introduction of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction.

When Cosas was formed in 1979, he was among the students who swelled its ranks.. He was to later join the ANC and its armed wing. He served in the United Democratic Front and became the chair of the Queenstown Youth Organisation.

He underwent military training, recruited comrades from the student, worker, and youth sectors to work underground.

In 1984 he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment on Robben Island, along with six other members of his unit. They were released in 1990. 

After his release he studied at Rhodes University and obtained various qualifications, including B Juris, BA, and development studies degrees. He studied for various other qualifications.

In 1998, he joined then Queenstown municipality as an assistant director in the housing department.

In 2001, he served as the acting director of the Whittlesea Administrative Unit and in the same year became the director of human settlements, staying the post until 2015.

Lungile is survived by his wife Nolulamo, his sons Anam and Likhanye and his brothers Sonwabo and Mzimasi.

Hamba kakuhle Doyi, Mnune, Mbathane, Xesibe, Mkhuma. The nation mourns your departing.

May his revolutionary spirit find eternal peace!



-Dr Makhosandile Kwaza, researcher at Walter Sisulu University , via email  



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