‘I begged him not to shoot me’ — singer Craig Lucas speaks about being robbed at gunpoint

Former 'The Voice SA' winner Craig Lucas was robbed.
Former 'The Voice SA' winner Craig Lucas was robbed.
Image: Alaister Russell

Singer Craig Lucas is grateful for a second chance at life after revealing he survived a near-death experience. 

The Voice SA season 2 winner took to his Instagram timeline to recall the ordeal, saying he was attacked by robbers who almost took his life on the road on Tuesday. 

“I got a flat tyre yesterday, and while I was trying to get it sorted a car pulled up in front of me. I thought they wanted to help. Instead they robbed me. They had a gun and one guy told the other to shoot me as they were making off. I begged him not to shoot me, and thank God he didn't,” he wrote. 

Craig cautioned people trying to get in touch with him to wait until he retrieves his number.

“They made off with my phone. I managed to change the passwords to my Apple ID and Gmail. I can't locate the phone or erase it until I am able to access my account. The phone was unlocked when they took it so they have access to it.

“If anyone messages you asking for anything please assume it isn't me for now. Trying to recover my number, and regain access to my accounts, but it will take between 24-48 hours.”


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