'Pray against an emergency landing': Was Bushiri's May prayer a 'prophecy' of Malawian VP Chilima's plane crash?

Enlightened Christian Gathering Church leader Shepherd Bushiri is in the spotlight again. File photo.
Enlightened Christian Gathering Church leader Shepherd Bushiri is in the spotlight again. File photo.
Image: ECG/Facebook

Two weeks before Malawian Vice-President Saulos Klaus Chilima was killed in a plane crash, self-proclaimed prophet Shepherd Bushiri asked his followers to “pray against an emergency landing”.

Bushiri made the call to his Facebook followers on May 28. He did not specify who the prayer was intended for, but now some of his followers believe his request could have been a prophecy of the military aircraft crash that killed Chilima and nine others on Monday.

Since news of the plane crash broke, Bushiri's post has gone viral, garnering more than 7,000 comments.

Bushiri's prayer request has gone viral.
Bushiri's prayer request has gone viral.
Image: Screenshot

While some people described the post as a prophecy of the fatal crash in Bushiri's home country, others dismissed the speculation, saying the post was not specific and Bushiri could've been praying about anything during that time.

“If he prophesied then he could have rebuked the spirit rather than waiting for casualties,” said Leonard Koech, commenting on the debate.

Another social media user, Jack Chanza, said: “So what good was this prophecy when it did not give enough details?”

Festus Manda said: “I am very sorry for the people who think Bushiri is their God. Please stay with your Bushiri out of this!”

Here are some other reactions from social media:

Pray against emergency landing!

Posted by Prophet Shepherd Bushiri on Tuesday, May 28, 2024



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