Politics Editors Choice

John Steenhuisen's 'dubula inyanga' comment causes confusion

DA leader demands cadre deployment report from ANC

DA leader John Steenhuisen was trending at the weekend for a clip of him saying “dubula inyanga” — in reference to their “moonshot pact”, which they hope will win the majority from the ANC.

However, some social media users misunderstood the translation and accused Steenhuisen of saying they would shoot traditional healers. 

In Zulu, dubula means “shoot”, while inyanga can mean either “moon” or “traditional healer”.

Dubula inyanga. That’s exactly what we’re going to do this election because we’ve got the size, people, experience, track record and the plan,” Steenhuisen said in the viral clip.

During the manifesto speech, Steenhuisen also alleged that the ANC was pleading with the DA for more time to release its cadre deployment records. 

The Constitutional Court gave the ANC until Monday to release its cadre deployment records to the DA. 

The records in question are of the ANC’s secret meetings and communications in which decisions on appointments of critical executives in government departments and other state departments took place and were discussed and communicated.



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